Monthly Report- June

“What do you want to be when you grow up? “ The words that come out of many children’s mouths - “I want to be an Olympian”. This continuing dream has been lived and lost for many in the last month. Being surrounded by many Olympians back home, not only from Australia but all around the world, I have had the best opportunity to see what it takes to be the best. Forums, blogs and newspaper articles all with polar opposite perspectives has given me a good insight into views from athletes into the hard work that has been required over their life and especially during the last 4 years. Time, effort, passion and commitment to a sport that is our life.  Each day is about training, training and more training - and I wouldn't want it any other way.
“Many roads lead to the medal but all begins with a great start”. Everyone has heard the saying that it’s not the bike, it’s the rider on it. There are many roads that we can take to be the best and I know that it will take 101% effort to succeed . In our training environment in Vitoira, we utilise equipment like our tempo trainers in swimming, SRM when we ride and the trusty Garmin for when we run. All these tools help to ensure that I am putting out the effort needed in each and every training session.

I look back from when I started and I can say I began with a great start. I had the support and development to get me where I am now. I am lucky enough to still have this continuing support and I have been fortunate to receive the support of two new sponsors - HUUB Wetsuits and NOVA Swimwear.  I am excited to be given the opportunity to wear and promote HUUB wetsuits which have just been introduced into Australia from the UK. They are great wetsuits that are not only comfortable to wear but are designed provide comfort and natural swim stroke. I have been working with them recently and look forward to working with them in the future. NOVA is my favourite swimwear and I am very happy to have them as a sponsor. Growing up as a swimmer, I always wore Nova Swimwear and now I will be working with them for race suits, apparel and training swimwear. They make excellent swimwear and I look forward to promoting their brand in domestic and international competitions.

It has now been a year since my first overseas trip as a young inexperienced 18 year old. This month I have competed in races at Banyoles, San Sebastian and the home of the Olympics in Canary Wharf, London. Déjà vu has hit having raced the same races last year - I can now look back a year and appreciate massive changes in my approach to races and my performance. Even Olympians are still learning what works for them but all have autonomic processes that are developed through training. These processes try to keep me in the “zone” during a race and not to overthink. Within all these races, I have had something that I could concentrate on and I still know what I need to develop on. I also now appreciate that it is not only physical and mental aspects which determine the end result but something as small as positioning in a ride or the place that you come into transition are just as equally important.  Who would have thought that sport could be so complicated.

I am looking forward to watching the Olympics from the comfort of my couch, in Spanish, and seeing some familiar faces on TV on the 4th and 7th of August. I am also ready to be living my dream in 2016 or 2020.


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