A different start to 2015
A different start to
There are far better
things ahead of us, than any we leave behind.
Normally I would be writing to you about my season overview
or me sitting 1600m above sea level in the clouds in Falls Creek. But this year
has been different from the start. Post
surgery was about rebuilding me as a better and stronger athlete and now 8 months
post, I can say we have been pretty successful at that. In saying that though,
we haven’t finished yet. It has given me time too mentally and physically
refresh, being in my home environment and focus solely on myself; what I needed
to do, to get better.
Putting all three disciplines together, meant working on
each individually to build up strength and confidence to get back and do my
first triathlon after 7 months. And you know what, it felt awful! I have done
three triathlons since then and thankfully, it has felt better everytime. Being
able to do local club races, I have come back with no pressure to perform and
concentrate on focus areas. These are all perfect build up races to start my
season fresh in 2015. Thank you to Macarthur Triathlon Club for once again
putting on a great presentation evening a few weekends back, showcasing the local talent
especially with the juniors within our club. Great to be part of the
progression of the club and can’t wait to continue to see it grow over the

With the opportunity of being home, I have taken the chance to do things I normally wouldn’t do or get to do. I came out of swimming retirement and I have completed one 5km open water at Penrith regatta centre. The burning feeling of my lats after 5km, I couldn’t lift my arms above my head to dive back into the water to cool down. I have always loved open water, even getting massive numbers burnt in my arms! I must have loved it so much, I have entered two more in the coming month including NSW state championships. I was about 1 minute off my best ever time as a 16 year old so I am looking to keep improving on that over the next two. Yeah, I think I am alittle crazy. I have also got to do our local Fishers Ghost fun run that has been running for the past 40 years. It’s one of the hardest 10km going around. The hills surprise me everytime I come back. It is also great supporting our local community and being 10 minute run from home is hard to beat.
Racing is the best training you can do and over the past few months, I have been getting into handicap road racing and bike crits. Handicap racing is my favourite as I just get so determined to stay away. Sorry to all the people I have yelled at to roll through! It is always great when you have a great bunch of people to work with and show some of the boys, that girls can ride a bike ;) Crits are also one of my favourite sessions of the week. I have been travelling around to a few different purpose built crit circuits and my favourite so far is Heffron Park on Tuesday nights or what I call Tuesday night worlds. It is also a solid 45 minutes of racing and even better is the looks I get when I start running off the bike. Starting fresh in 2015, I want to say thank you to Anthony Cook and Neil Pryde bikes for new Nazare2. I have only had a few rides on it but I already love it! Can’t wait to race on it next year!
Triathlon is swim, bike and run but a fourth component that I have been working hard on is strength and conditioning. I have been up at NSWIS 3- 4 times a week, focusing on weights, exercises and core work that will be help grow stronger and work on key areas that I am weak in. I actually really enjoy gym and just like anything you do, it is always a positive seeing improvements over the past 5 weeks even on small, simple things like push ups. Thanks to Jamie, Bernard and NSWIS to have the opportunity and the coaching to do this.

Triathlons 5th component is to do something that isn’t triathlon. I have had an awesome time catching up with old friends and making new ones. From having coffee, to going to the noodle markets in Sydney or just hanging out in the pool at home, its always nice to take your mind off what takes up a major part of everyday. December always is a great time to kick back with family and friends and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I’m abit old to get a photo with Santa but my dog is never is ;)
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