My favorite places to train!

Burragorang lookout

Without a doubt, it’s a very deceivingly hilly ride out but the best tailwind and downhill back. The lookout is about 45km from home and on a perfect day, you get a view like this. When I took this picture, I left home when it was 0 degrees outside and I don’t think it was much warmer by the time I got up there. It’s a perfect ride to soak up the country roads and not have to worry about cars or traffic lights and you are bound to get a good view everytime.


Being only 5 minutes from my house, I am so lucky to be supported by such a great facility. New renovated, it has all the equipment I need for my strength and conditioning part of training and plenty of gym mats to lay on when I am tired.  I don’t know if everyone gets scared when I jump in the pool, but I tend to have a whole inside pool to myself most days. One of my favourite sessions in the pool at the moment is 4 x 100m threshold on the 1.20 cycle and with 2 x 50m faster on the minute, 4 times through. It gives me a good indicator of my fitness levels with the times I can hold for the 100’s. But hey I don’t mind swimming easy either!  

Gold Coast
I found a new love for the Gold Coast this time when I was up there. Who wouldn’t want to have breakfast over this view!  I am starting to know my way around better and I must admit I do rate my picture memory when it comes to directions as with my terrible eyesight is shocking with signs. I explored alittle more this time and got to see the hinterland of the Gold Coast and across the border of NSW. At home, I swim inside so it was nice to be out in the middle of the day sunshine and regain abit of colour. On the way home, (thank you to the best mother ever) I rode myself down the coast line from the Surfers Paradise until I saw my mum to put my bike in the car and pick me up. Saved one hour of the 12 in the car! Being at home this year, it is always good to have a small change of scenery to refresh the mind.

Camden Equestrian Centre and Bargo Track

Both just a short drive from home and both places that horses normally run around, they are both perfect options to get off the concrete. I really enjoying going to Camden for my long runs as you can either kept flat or go alittle hilly. Secretly, I just like play around on the horse jumps after.  I would like to thank my old running coach for introducing me to this beauty.  Even since I got off running on the Alter G, I have been very aware of where I run and trying to keep to softer surfaces. Bargo trotting track is 600m circles and is perfect for my sessions that I have been doing. It feels awesome to be able to start running fast and add some intensity again! Welcome back!

My house

I am very fortunate for the great location that we live in and sometimes home provides you with everything you need. On rainy days, I can set up my Sportscrafters trainer in front on the TV and cycle away. I can run out the door and have endless options of circuits and a 18 hole golf course to run on.  In my whole 21 years, I have never used the golf course for a game of golf! Don’t tell them that. I have wanted to be able to play with my dog again post surgery for ages and it feels great to be able to open the back gate and get out there with her. Home is also a great place to train my baking and cooking skills. That’s part of training right?

The last few months have been great getting back into training and I couldn’t thank everyone around me for the support they give with or without them knowing.  2014 has been a mixed up year and I might not have put my foot on the start line for any major events but I am excited to build back again for a successful 2015.


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