August Monthly Report

Where has the last 5 months gone? Time flies when you’re having fun!! I know it’s getting close to home as the important date has been written by Mum on the fridge at home. I have a wonderful opportunity given to me to race and live overseas for so long with the support of my biggest fans, my parents. I love the training base I am in here in Vitoria and could not be any happier. With the constant support from NSWIS and Triathlon Australia my time overseas is maximised to the greatest so I have a chance to perform to my best.

With the facilities of the recovery centre less than a minute across the road, my recovery from sessions everyday has been improved. With access to ice bath, hot salt water pools, normal pools and spas, I have time to have some self- time, water running in-between.

Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling, emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. Sometimes we forget to mention the people that have an impact on your performances in our daily performance environment. This month, I said good  bye to Alex Price, our physiotherapist that treats us normally back in Wollongong. I would like to thank Alex for the many hours of work, the little chit chats and advice that he gave me every day. We welcomed to Vitoria, Michael Barwick. Only within a few weeks, he has helped me with stance, walking and running. He has brought me back to the basics- something that I have been lacking and something that I need to change.

Leading up to Stockholm, we did a lot of quality sessions making sure we were prepared for the demands of competition. I am lucky enough to have someone analyse my data within the day and get it back to me to see how the session went. Thanks Adam Radford for getting my data back so quick, making it so easy to read, “girl friendly” allowing me to see how the session has improved over the weeks. Stockholm once again was an eye opener. Still being young and feeling somewhat inexperienced  to some girls, I was confident in my skills base and technical components that the course provided. I was happy that my swim once again was strong and that my aim of the course was completed successfully. Representing my country the next day was exciting chance given to me and I am happy that people can see development and improvement within my racing.

More than anything this month, I was pretty pumped to swim a 5.2km open water swim in San Sebastian. Coming from a swimming background and a pure love for long distance swimming, it was a flash back to old times. The water was a perfect temperature and over 200 people competed. Running out of the water on the first lap, my arms really didn’t want me getting back in again. The next lap, we formed a bunch of swimmers. Being as blind as I am, I turned one buoy early. I took a breath to my left and saw everyone still swimming. My head was down and it was full gas till I was back on their feet. Finishing in just under 1 hour and 10 mins, I loved doing that type of swimming again! Although it is nearly time to go home… I once again leave with my memories, summer heat and some exciting new riding routes on my exploring of Vitoria!


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