November Monthly Report

November Monthly Report Currently sitting in the Alpine region of Victoria, 1600m above sea level, I am spending the next month in Falls Creek. I love coming up here to start the new season as the mountain air is amazing. Some snow predicted for next week so we will get an early white Christmas. Most of November, I was able to relax and catch up with the little things I needed to do including baking a cheesecake. I was one happy chef to say the least- it was gone out of the fridge within a few days! Getting back into the swing of things was hard and I can admit 100m of running down the road and I wanted to stop. Most days, my exercise was walking up and down the 20 stairs in my house. This month we gradually started to ease back into training focussing mostly on our aerobic capacity and strength conditioning work. Alex Price our physiotherapist in Wollongong has helped me out with new exercises after refle...