the week it was...

Sometimes life throws things at you. No reason to explain it but asks you to deal with it the best way humanly possible. How are you going to get over this bump in the road? Leading into Hamburg I was feeling unwell and took it pretty easy. I had three days where I felt revitalised and thought maybe I would be going into WTS Hamburg feeling refreshed. Unfortunately, my body felt otherwise. Two days before the race, I was throwing up and the thought of food made me feel even sicker. I lined up on Saturday afternoon, put my game face on and wanted to do the best race I could under the circumstances. I dove into the water and my body felt so weak. Coming out of the water 40 seconds back, doesn’t reflect at all how I have been swimming over the past few weeks. My arms had nothing to give and neither did my legs when I wanted to accelerate out of the saddle. I hate to DNF but on Saturday, my body had nothing to give and at the world stage, you cannot be off your game b...